AccesSibility Statement

Last updated August, 2023

At Dura Digital, we are committed to ensuring that our website is accessible to everyone. We believe in creating an inclusive digital environment where everyone, regardless of abilities or disabilities, can access and use our services with ease.

Our Commitment

We continually strive to improve our website's user experience for everyone and apply relevant accessibility standards. Our goal is to ensure that our website is compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level AA, a set of guidelines which ensure that online content is accessible for people with disabilities.

Efforts to Support Accessibility

• Continuous Assessment: We regularly assess our website for accessibility gaps and work diligently to close those gaps.
• Training: Our team receives regular training on web accessibility best practices to ensure that our site is designed and coded for accessibility.
• Feedback Loop: We welcome feedback on the accessibility of our website and have established a process to manage and address concerns.

Limitations and Alternatives

Despite our best efforts to make all pages and content fully accessible, some content may not have yet been fully adapted to the latest accessibility standards. If you experience difficulty accessing any part of our website, please contact us, and we will work to address the issue and provide you with an alternative method to access the information.

Feedback and Contact Information

We welcome your feedback on our website's accessibility. If you have any comments or encounter any barriers, please contact us at

We are dedicated to continuous improvement and value the insights and feedback from our users to make our website more inclusive.